Skulltec South East (Kent)

Exeter, Devon, England

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Sean had spent most of his working life in powder coating which he excelled in working on big projects including the Shard, the Olympic stadium and the new Tottenham stadium to name a few.

However the job involved working long hours and weekends and didn’t leave much time for a home life.

When his first son was born he started to look at other potential careers with more flexible working hours in view of being able to spend more time with his family.

Seans partner is a permanent makeup artist and told him about scalp micropigmentation, he had never heard of it before and started to do some research on it. Instantly he became a bit obsessed on the amazing results that can be achieved and knew that this was the path he wanted to go down.

After doing a lot of research their were 2 scalp micropigmentation artists in the uk whose work really stood out to him in terms of looking natural and giving great healed results so he decided to reach out to them and has since been on training courses with both artists. He learnt a lot from these guys from technique to sourcing all the best equipment, products and pigments to ensure the best possible results for his clients.

Sean now has over 3 years experience in scalp micropigmentation and has a real passion for helping his clients with their hair loss issues in Kent (South East), England.


    Skulltec South East, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham ME4 4TZ, United Kingdom

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